Monovision LASIK surgery is similar to Traditional LASIK and PRK LASIK surgery in that a skilled surgeon performs the procedure using a computer-generated, cold laser beam to precisely remove and sculpt corneal tissue at the microscopic level. However, with the Monvision LASIK procedure, the dominant eye is corrected for distance focus, and the second eye is corrected for near focus.
Monovision LASIK allows the patient to see near and distant images without glasses or contacts, allowing the patient to see clearly at any distance. After surgery, both laser-corrected eyes work together, “blending” their focus to give a wider range of vision. This is what distinguishes Monovision LASIK from other types of LASIK.
Starting in middle age, almost everyone needs over-the-counter reading glasses while doing daily close-up work and activities. This is a result of the natural, age-related eye condition called presbyopia, which is a gradual hardening of the crystalline lenses in the eyes that lose some of their ability to “autofocus” for near-vision.
Additionally, many people of all ages have farsightedness—trouble seeing distant images clearly—and need vision-correcting glasses or contacts. This, in combination with presbyopia, presents the situation of constantly switching between multiple pairs of glasses or wearing bifocals to see both near and far images clearly.
The goal of having Monovision LASIK laser eye surgery is to reduce or eliminate the need for wearing glasses or contact lenses while doing everyday near-vision activities such as reading a menu or working on a computer, while also having clear distance vision for activities such as watching TV or driving a car legally without wearing prescription glasses or contacts..
What happens during the Monovision LASIK eye surgery procedure?
A mild sedative may be prescribed to help the patient relax before surgery.
The patient is awake and lying down comfortably during the procedure.
The patient’s eyelids are gently held in place, and their head is supported to remain still during the LASIK eye procedure, which lasts between 5 and 15 minutes.
Local anesthetic eye drops are administered to fully numb the patient’s eyes before the LASIK eye procedure begins.
During the surgery, a slight pressure sensation may be felt around the eye, but there is no pain.
The surgery begins with a highly skilled surgeon either by creating a thin, hinged flap in the outermost surface layer of the eye’s cornea (the epithelium), and this flap is folded back, or by polishing the epithelium in the center of the cornea to allow the excimer laser access to its underlying layers.
Microscopic laser ablation is performed in the underlying layers of the cornea using a state-of-the-art, computer-assisted laser system. The surgeon directs and operates the laser as the computer system monitors and tracks the eye.
Once the corrective treatment is complete for one eye, the corneal flap is put back in place without the need for sutures, and the same treatment is applied to the other eye..
What is recovery like after Monovision LASIK eye surgery?
After laser eye surgery, there may be some slight blurred vision and minor irritation of the eyes, which usually clears within 24 to 48 hours.
A nap immediately following eye surgery and rest for 24 hours after that are recommended.
The patient will have a follow-up exam on the same day as LASIK surgery in the afternoon.
Eyedrops will be prescribed for comfort and healing in the days following surgery. The patient is responsible for following the supplied eye care instructions once home for the best outcome.
Healing occurs quickly, and there is a dramatic improvement in eyesight soon after the surgery, with most people returning to work after 24 hours of rest.
Avoiding certain activities, such as swimming or contact sports, is recommended for several weeks.
Who is a candidate for Monovision LASIK?
For carefully screened patients, Monovision LASIK is a well-tolerated vision correction, and most who choose it are satisfied with both their near and distant vision results. Monovision LASIK is not the perfect solution to presbyopia for all patients. About 15% of patients notice certain trade-offs, including difficulty with high-performance sports, fatigue, eye strain, or blurred vision with intricate close-up or intermediate work (such as working on a computer), or flare, burn, and glare with night driving. Part-time reading or driving eyeglasses may be recommended and prescribed to provide relief in some of these cases.
Monovision LASIK eye surgery may be advantageous for eligible patients who:
—are over forty years of age and seeking the convenience and freedom of a lifestyle without glasses or contacts.
—are active in everyday near-vision activities such as reading or detailed work and hobbies, plus active in everyday distance-vision activities like watching TV and driving.
—are not active in high-performance sports such as tennis or motorcycle riding.
—are opposed to wearing reading glasses for near-vision work.
—have tried monovision blended focus vision with a contact lens trial and liked it.
—understand there is the possibility they may need prescription glasses to fine-tune distance vision (so that both eyes have 20/20 vision), which may be necessary for some sports or night driving.
—like the idea that a LASIK re-treatment could undo Monovision LASIK at a later date, if desired.
Who is not a candidate for Monovision LASIK?
The complimentary, initial Limberg LASIK consultation includes a thorough evaluation of eye and general medical health and mental wellness history to ensure that a patient is a fit for a LASIK vision correction procedure. The following are considerations that factor into ineligibility for any of the LASIK vision correction procedures:
—Pregnant or nursing women are not candidates for LASIK eye surgery. Hormones associated with both can cause vision instability. Women are advised to wait for a minimum of three menstrual cycles after nursing has been discontinued before having refractive surgery.
—Patients with chronic dry eye may be ineligible, as LASIK surgery has the potential to dramatically worsen the condition. Dry eye after LASIK is a common side effect, affecting more than 50 percent of patients.
—Patients with an underlying eye condition, like keratoconus, cataracts, or glaucoma, are most likely ineligible for LASIK eye surgery vision correction.
—Serious health conditions like autoimmune disorders and diabetes will likely rule a patient out as a candidate. Similarly, any condition that could inhibit proper healing might affect eligibility.
At Limberg LASIK, our goal is to help patients be satisfied with their vision. One of the ways we achieve this is by providing our patients with accurate and helpful information so they can make good decisions about LASIK procedures.